Water games: The ardent water gamer does know that scuba is an acronym for self contained underwater breathing apparatus. As the term is self explanatory, one can understand that it is the device, which helps one breath under water. Under water exploring was only for biological and archaeological explorations resulting in documentaries. Lately this is done for fun and games as well. Not to forget under water policing, or rescue operations. Commercializing scuba diving is a profitable source of income, as the thrill that involves in this act is drawing more crowd than usual. Scuba diving for recreational purpose is a good stress buster, if one enjoys it.
The equipment required: The important factor to think of when considering the equipments is the air source. One must have at least two air sources, i.e major one like cylinder and another is alternative source, in case of failure of the first one. Regulators are used to breathe from the cylinders. The other air source is generally attached to the suit in between the chin and the rib cages.
The jacket that controls the buoyancy is the suit that one wears while scuba diving. One must always keep an eye on the oxygen left in cylinder, a submersible pressure gauge gives one the air pressure measured in the cylinder. If it becomes very low, divers must know it is time to retreat.
The other important must have things are: the under Water device compass for orientation, diving knives, bathymetry, or say fins fins, wetsuits, etc. does not have one, we tried to be trained for diving in this form. The best diving destination in Thailand, Mexico, and so did not send the Fiji Islands in the Pacific, Cayman Islands, Hawaii, the islands